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Configuration File

This configuration file allows the update client to work across many different platforms and environments with a single software binary. All fields in the configuration are strings.

Example basic configuration:

  "device_enrollment_token": "[REDACTED]",
  "name": "demo_device",
  "persistent_directory": "/opt/thistle",
  "public_keys": ["RWRsXruIAEOcDvpml30guv+LcYbz9dANWqGpr/m3TC1ohzt+z078H91R"]

Compulsory Fields

Name Descripiton
name Name to use when registering with the server
persistent_directory Location of a directory where the Thistle Client can store persistent state.
Note: in the case of a bootloader setup, this field should point out the /boot directory
public_keys Array of public key strings for signature verification.
A signature will be checked against public keys one by one, in their order of appearance in the array. If the signature is verified by one of the public keys, the OTA manifest is accepted; otherwise, it’s rejected. A new key pair can be generated with the help of the Thistle Release Helper and external signing tools provided by Thistle

Enrollment Fields

Depending on the device provisioning method, either the device_enrollment_token, or all device_id, device_token, device_certificate_pem, and device_private_key_pem will be required.

Name Descripiton
device_enrollment_token API token dedicated to enrolling a device with the Thistle backend server. Each token is specific to a given project
device_id A unique identifier for a given device received from the Thistle backend server
device_token A unique token for a given device received from the Thistle backend server
device_certificate_pem A unique X.509 certificate in PEM format for a given device received from the Thistle backend server
device_private_key_pem A unique private key associated with the above device certificate in PEM format for a given device received from the Thistle backend server

Optional Fields

Name Descripiton
network_timeout Timeout value for network requests, in seconds. Defaults to 30
polling_interval_s Interval at which the update client will check for updates, in seconds. Defaults to 3600
single_check Only perform one single round of update check and then exit the program. Defaults to false
stop_after_download This mode of operation will download an update bundle, and then exit the program. The next run of the program will install the update. This mode also enables single_check. Defaults to false
backup_manifest_url Backup manifest URL to use as a fallback in the cases where the Thistle backend server could not be reachable
identity_path Absolute path on the device to the identity file that is used for persisting device-unique credentials
metadata_path Path on the device to the metadata file
mqtt_url URL of the MQTT broker for MQTT-based device-server communications; must be ssl:// to work with Thistle backend. When this field is present, MQTT will be enabled, and mqtt_ca_cert_pem must be configured
mqtt_ca_cert_pem MQTT server certificate chain in PEM format. Must be configured when mqtt_url is present. The value for Thistle backend can be obtained from this page

Optional Bootloader Specific Fields

Name Descripiton
bootloader Bootloader to use. Can be either set to Thistle-U-Boot, RaspberryPi, or Custom. If no bootloader is set, only files will be updatable
part_a Path to the “A” partition, compulsory when a bootloader is set
part_b Path to the “B” partition, compulsory when a bootloader is set
determine_boot_part_script Helper script to determine currently booted partition. Auto-detection will be attempted if no script is specified. Note this can be helpful to work with OverlayFS
switch_part_command Required for Custom bootloader. This script is used to indicate the bootloader to switch the booting partition at the next reboot
Name Descripiton
bootloader Bootloader to use. Can be either set to Thistle-U-Boot, RaspberryPi, or Custom. If no bootloader is set, only files will be updatable
part_a Path to the “A” partition, compulsory when a bootloader is set
part_b Path to the “B” partition, compulsory when a bootloader is set
determine_boot_part_script Helper script to determine currently booted partition. Auto-detection will be attempted if no script is specified. Note this can be helpful to work with OverlayFS
switch_part_command Required for Custom bootloader. This script is used to indicate the bootloader to switch the booting partition at the next reboot

Example Configuration With Bootloader

  "device_enrollment_token": "[REDACTED]",
  "name": "demo_device",
  "persistent_directory": "/boot",
  "public_keys": ["RWRsXruIAEOcDvpml30guv+LcYbz9dANWqGpr/m3TC1ohzt+z078H91R"],
  "part_a": "/dev/mmcblk0p2",
  "part_b": "/dev/mmcblk0p3",
  "bootloader": "raspberrypi"